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Prime Ingredients

Certified Food Colors, Dyes, Lakes and Natural Food Colors

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We offer fine Prime Ingredients color products in:

Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri,  Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming


Color is an extremely important part of any product formulation since it advertises the product, identifies it and tempts the customer to try it.

Prime Ingredients offers the following color types::

Water Soluble Primary Dyes

FD&C Blue #1
FD&C Blue #2
FD&C Green #3
FD&C Red #3
FD&C Red #40
FD&C Yellow #5
FD&C Yellow #6

Lake Colors

FD&C Red 40 Al Lake 35-42%
FD&C Red 40 Al Lake 24-28%
FD&C Red 40 Al Lake 14-16%
FD&C Yellow 5 Al Lake 35-42%
FD&C Yellow 5 Al Lake 24-28%
FD&C Yellow 5 Al Lake 14-16%
FD&C Blue 1 Al Lake 35-42%
FD&C Blue 1 Al Lake 11-13%
FD&C Yellow 6 AI Lake 35-42%
FD&C Yellow 6 Al Lake 20-24%
FD&C Yellow 6 Al Lake 17-19%
FD&C Blue 2 Al Lake 35-42%
FD&C Blue 2 Al Lake 12-14%

Natural Colors

Many food formulations require "natural" colors - those derived from plant roots, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and even insects.  These products are exempt from FDA certification procedures.  Prime Ingredients offer the following "natural" colors: 

WHITE - Titanium Dioxide

RED - Carmine (a stable Lake pigment derived from extracted Peruvian insects)

YELLOW - Turmeric (Curcumin), a widely used extract of a plant root from India

·     YELLOW/ORANGE - Annatto, an oil and water soluble extract of a seed grown in Africa/S.A.



Summit Hill Flavors   

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