
As founder of Ingredient Innovations, I am a business professional and food enthusiast. In addition to being passionate about food on many levels, I believe that working closely with both clients and customers is essential. One step of the process is building strong relationships with customers. Understanding ingredient functionality and labeling requirements makes it possible to identify what clients, also known as principals,  will serve them best.

The other important step is product knowledge. Our strategy has been to specialize in only a handful of principals in order to truly know their value-added product lines. This deeper knowledge and insight helps us get to faster, better solutions for food product developers and their applications.

Our role includes sales, customer service, and enabling access to technical support.

Roxanne Armstrong, President


“Innovation is the perpetual process of redefining yourself. The industry is changing so quickly, a company must continually redefine its objectives to adjust to the needs of the marketplace.”

-Lou Cooperhouse, Menu Direct